Thursday, September 20, 2007

Freedom of Speech???

The article that I found in the Washington Post addresses a frightening issue. According to the article, Bush went in front of Congress asking for the temporary wiretapping law to become very permanent. Although the Democrats were willing to rework the law to limit Bush’s authority, and place Foreign Intelligence as an overseer; Bush reiterated his belief that these “restrictions” would impede the timely manner in which they can take action. Not that the Bush administration works in a timely manner; remember the Clinton administration warning the Bush administration about a possible terrorist attack back in 2000??? Although Assistant Attorney General Wainstein states that ‘the Act does not authorize physical searches of homes, domestic mail or personal effects, and computers,” this is of no comfort. We know already that there have been breaches of legality with regards to at least a thousand wiretapping cases to date.

And although this may not be important to some, people need to realize that wiretapping for “terrorist” has been around since the Clinton administration. Also that this current law allows them to tap into “communication between people in the United States and suspected terrorist abroad”. HELLO!!????!! Does anyone see the problem with this?? BETWEEN PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES, that means you, me, everybody. We have already started to lose our Freedom of Speech…does anyone remember when Bush passed the law being able to throw anyone who protests the war in jail, indefinitely, while they seize all their property too? This is just the next step to be able to monitor the masses and squash anyone who spreads freethinking and rejects the idea of a tyrannical government.

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