Thursday, October 4, 2007

Whats torture to you????

I found this article in the Washington post; lets just say I was incredibly confused. The article is about the ever-evasive legal definition of “torture”. In the article the Administration denies the allegations of torturing detainees, reminding us that it is “Un-American”. According to the article the current opinion authorizes "a combination of painful physical and psychological tactics, including head slapping, simulated drowning, and frigid temperatures", yet they go on to state that these practices are not in violation of our constitutional right against "cruel, inhuman and degrading" treatment of detainees and prisoners of war. Although this is better than the pre-2004 opinion that states "organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death" was the acceptable definition of “torture punishable by law”. As always our fearless leader, Bush, has repeatedly denounced torture and denied its use. Maybe Bush hasn’t been informed of the new definition, seeing how he doesn’t read much.

I ask therefore, why do we have Guantanimo Bay and what the hell are they doing there if not torturing detainees??? I think just about everyone has viewed or heard of the photos of the black bagging and torture that have gone on there to date. The Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines torture as something that causes agony or pain. I think that everyone would agree with me when I say that getting slapped upside the head repeatedly, while naked, with a bag over my head, and crammed with other people would be torture. I think that we should not be so concerned with the “legal” definition of torture, and concentrate on the fact that our government is blatantly lying to us. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the government telling us that they are doing one thing and obviously doing the complete opposite.



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