Thursday, November 29, 2007

First it's the Psychos, next it's You

In light of the new gun laws that have been passed since the Virginia Tech incident, I have a few points that I would like to make. Although I don't think someone that has been declared legally insane should posses a gun, that doesn't mean that they aren't entitled to that right. Shootings, they happen everywhere; schools, banks, post offices, homes, and clubs, just to name a few places. But I think that we're missing the point. Who is the one who said that all shootings occur around some crazy going out and buying a gun?? The point is this, very sane people do some crazy sh*t, most people that commit shootings do it during moments of extreme anger, depression, or moments of passion. I really think that this can happen to anyone, especially since half the population is suffering from depression or anxiety. And although most state's laws revolve around those people that have been involuntarily committed, I think that it is just a matter of time before the government starts restricting us all. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed, amendment II in the bill of rights. I don't know what the government and probably 65% of people in America (keep in mind that the average intelligence is 100+/- 15, with mental retardation starting at 70) think, but I believe that banning certain people from their basic rights is just a step towards total tyranny. If the government really wanted to make us safer, and monitor who purchased guns they would give people I.Q. tests. Hell they should just make that a requirement for people to receive their basic rights, because if you aren't intelligent enough to stand up for your rights (like half of America) you shouldn't have them. Our rights are being stripped from us one by one, stand up and fight for them--spread the word.


djandrewparsons said...

Preach on.

Snapp said...

I read Jennifer's commentary on the right to bear arms. The link to her article is listed above. Although I would not have articulated her view points quite the same way, I do agree with her. I do think that guns sometimes end up in the wrong hands and therefore causes pain and suffering among other citizens. However, the right to bear arms is a right that we possess here in America. This is supposed to be a free country and therefore if someone wants to own a fire arm they should be allowed to do so.