Thursday, November 1, 2007

I Don't Like Bush.....:(

So it seems George W. Bush is doing it again, as if he isn’t to busy trying to bully Congress into giving him tyrannical power, or more money for a pointless war; it seems as though he has now decided to devote an awful lot of time trying to get another “yes” man in the Attorney Generals position. Although the Senate Judiciary Committee believed that Michael Mukasey would do a more honest and “memorable” job, this was not the case. After being thoroughly questioned it seems as though Mukasey is just another Gonzalez; Mukasey was evasive about issues and just didn’t answer some questions he was confronted with, mainly the waterboarding torture techniques. Although this is an important issue, because this type of torture should NOT be allowed (we have prosecuted people in the past for this exact thing) there are a few things that concern me more. First, I don’t think the waterboarding issue with Mukasey is the main issue, I think the main issue is the fact that he will obviously be just another person that Bush would have in his pocket, allowing Bush to “get away” with even more corrupt shit then he gets away with now. Secondly, my next concern has to do with that of a certain senator running for president (ahhhmm…McCain) that claims “we are not doing [waterboarding torture techniques] in our American government”; which technically may be true since they are just hiring out mercenaries (Blackwater??). But we all have heard stories about what has happened and continues to happen at Guantanamo Bay. It frustrates me because Republicans like this (which are either in denial or just plain ignorant) will help in the assurance of Bush getting what he wants. Thirdly, it is sad, but true that no matter how many democrats we vote into office, that as long as we the people have a corrupt, manipulative, and backward ass president, not much is going to change. Bush has made it perfectly clear that anything he wishes to get passed will get passed even if it means giving bribes, blackmailing, providing countless ultimatums, or whatever you want to call it.

1 comment:

djandrewparsons said...

w0rd. Looking forward to more :P